DNB Fund Renewable Energy

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Issuer DNB Asset Management AS
Fund provider DNB Asset Management AS
Fund type/Asset class Equity fund
Legal form SICAV
Fund issue date 16/08/2007
Last Update 03.05.2024
Benchmark WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index
Tranche Private Investors Institutional Investors foundations
FNG Siegel

Risk Indicator (PRIIP)
5 of 7

Licensed in
D, A, CH, LU

Classification by SFDR
Article 9

EU Taxonomy
2.0% aligned Anchorlink to data availability

% of Sustainable Investments according to SFDR

Principal Adverse Impacts


Greenhouse Gas Emissions








Energy Efficiency and Fossil Fuels


Social and Employee Matters

Sustainable Development Goals


No Poverty


Zero Hunger


Good Health and Well-being


Quality Education


Gender Equality


Clean Water and Sanitation


Affordable and Clean Energy


Decent Work and Economic Growth


Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


Reduced Inequality


Sustainable Cities and Communities


Responsible Consumption and Production


Climate Action


Life Below Water


Life on Land


Peace and Justice Strong Institutions


Partnerships to achieve the Goal

Normal allocation

Equities 85 % to 100 %
Bonds Excluded
Money market/Bank deposits 0 % to 15 %
Commodities Excluded
Direct investments 0 %
Derivatives 0 % (for hedging only)
Other -

Sustainability approach

Principal Adverse Impacts
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Water Waste Biodiversity Energy Efficiency and Fossil Fuels Social and Employee Matters

We use indicators that measure principal adverse impacts of our investments to consider significant harm on environmental or social objectives. Companies who are identified as outliers for one or several principal adverse impact indicators will be put on a watchlist, and will be further analysed. This can result in either engagements with the company to learn more and encourage them to address their potential adverse impacts, or exclusion of the company as a last resort. In cases where data coverage and quality is currently low, the portfolio managers, together with the Responsible Investment team aim to make their own assessment of the significant harm caused by the investment. We aim to quantify this to the highest possible extent, but reasonable qualitative assessments may be made where data is not available. Note that data quality and coverage of principal adverse impact indicators in the market are currently low for certain indicators. We expect the quality and coverage to improve over time, and we aim for continuous improvement by assessing our data providers as well as engaging with companies to encourage them to improve their reporting in this area.
Further remarks on the consideration of SDGs The assessment of sustainable investments is made using DNB AM’s proprietary sustainable investments methodology. The investments made to attain the sustainable investment objective must be in companies which either demonstrate potential avoided emissions, have activities that are taxonomy aligned, have credible science-based emission reduction targets, or that have at least 20% revenues aligned with either one or more environmental UN SDGs. The fund applies a pass-fail methodology by using the thresholds disclosed in its website disclosure. The assessment of alignment to environmental UN SDGs is based on qualitative and quantitative analysis using an internally developed SDG framework for mapping and measuring SDG alignment. The framework has been externally reviewed by a third party and internal audit. Data on SDG alignment is based on data from an external data provider and our own internal data and fundamental analysis by portfolio managers. Alignment is measured in terms of revenues or alternatively CapEx.
Rationale behind classification according to SFDR Article 9 The fund will attain its sustainable investment objective by investing in companies that are solution providers for a better environment, with a particular focus on resource efficiency, energy, and electrification. In addition to our own objectives, the fund aims to contribute to the taxonomy objectives “climate change mitigation” and “climate change adaptation”. It is also assumed that one or more of the remaining environmental objectives "sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources", "transition to a circular economy", "pollution prevention and control" and "protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems" will be relevant.
Engagement Both internally and externally Externer Link Link to engagement policy
Voting Both internally and externally Externer Link Link to voting policy
Best-in/of-Class Best-In-Progress The fund is a thematic environmental fund which invests in sustainable enablers of a better environment. The sectors that are covered by the investment universe (as defined by the benchmark which is WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index (NEXUST) are: Biofuels; Energy saving; Fuel cells; Grid; Materials; Power generation; Power storage; Solar; Wind. However, the fund takes a broader approach to the environmental theme than its benchmark. The investment focus is on identifying attractive investment cases among companies contributing to a better environment, from both a financial and an ESG perspective. Companies must demonstrate that the drive towards lower emissions reductions and a better environment is a significant driver for their business. Companies with low GHG emissions intensities do not necessarily contribute the most to reducing global emissions which is why we consider emissions throughout the entire value chain and place emphasis on what the companies’ product does for society from an environmental point of view.
ESG-Integration Yes The Investment Manager shall ensure that assessments of risks and opportunities related to ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) factors are integrated in the investment process and considers ESG risks and opportunities as part of the valuation of the company. ESG data is incorporated into the Investment Manager’s portfolio management systems and is available to all of investment professionals. Our portfolio managers use this data in their company risk assessments, financial modelling, and investment decision making. The availability of this data in the front office system also often acts a flag for the portfolio managers, triggering further investigation and discussion with the Investment Manager’s responsible investment team regarding potential risks and opportunities and the financial effect from this. These discussions may trigger actions such as further investigation, engagement in dialogue with the company, or impact on the investment decision.
Norm-based screening
UN Global Compact ILO core labour standards OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises Implementation of TCFD
Climate change Renewable Energies Biodiversity Water SDGs
Der Fonds investiert im Bereich Erneuerbare Energien und Unternehmen, deren Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu Einsparungen bei Emissionen beitragen.
Impact Investing
Further information on the sustainability approach Die in die Analyse einfließenden Daten und die Grundlagen für die Entscheidungsfindung stammen von unseren spezialisierten ESG-Analysten. Darüber hinaus greifen wir auch auf externe Berater mit entsprechenden Spezialkenntnissen zurück. Externer Link Link to sustainability approach

Research and Transparency

In-house sustainability analysis Yes, 6
Research partners Yes ISS, Bloomberg, S&P, MSCI ESG Research and Sustainalytics. Additional external resources include the SASB Framework and database, sell-side research, media, industry reports, Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) reports and meetings, and CDP
Percentage of portfolio with sustainability analysis 100 %
Strategically important suppliers included Yes
Sustainability advisory committee Advisory https://www.dnb.no/portalfront/nedlast/en/about-us/Responsible_Investment_Committee_-_mandate.pdf
Analysis of portfolio CO2 Yes, both forward and backword-looking indicator https://s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/dnb-asset-management/Carbon-Footprint-of-Mutual-Funds-2022.pdf
Sustainability reporting Yes https://dnbam.com/en/responsible-investments/guidelines-and-exclusions
At least monthly portfolio publication Yes Externer Link Link to monthly portfolio publication
Certification/Label awarded by independent auditors
FNG Label ★★★ Luxflag Label


Exclusion of sectors / areas of business – companies

Fossil fuels (Coal, Oil and Gas) Yes 5 % Turnover threshold
Nuclear power (operation and components) Yes 5 % Turnover threshold
Green genetic engineering No
Chlorine and agrochemicals (biocides) No
Other -

Exclusion of business practices – companies

Environmentally damaging behaviour Yes
Damage to biodiversity Yes
Other -

Exclusion criteria – countries

Non-ratification of the Paris Climate Agreement N/A
Non-ratification of the Protocol on Biosafety N/A
Non-ratification of the UN Biodiversity Convention N/A
Nuclear power by proportion of gross energy production N/A
Other -


Exclusion of sectors / areas of business – companies

Weapons/Armaments Yes 5 % Turnover threshold
Cluster bombs and anti-personnel mines Yes
Weapons of mass destruction (ABC/CBRN) Yes
Tobacco products Yes
Pornography Yes
Spirits/Alcohol Yes 5 % Turnover threshold
Gambling Yes 5 % Turnover threshold
Other -

Exclusion of business practices – companies

Labour rights (ILO core labour standards) No
Exploitative child labour Yes
Violation of human rights Yes
Animal testing No
Other -

Exclusion criteria – countries

Labour rights N/A
Violation of human rights N/A
Military spending as a percentage of GDP N/A
Death penalty, torture N/A
Countries classified by Freedom House as not free N/A
Violations of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty N/A
Violations of other non-proliferation treaties N/A
Other -


Exclusion of business practices – companies

Corruption and bribery Yes
Tax: planned avoidance & detected violations Yes
Other -

Exclusion criteria – countries

Corruption N/A
Other -

More on data availability


  1. EU Taxonomy
    It is possible that reported KPIs for taxonomy eligibility and alignment (being limited to corporate issuers / including only selected economic activities) are low or that KPIs cannot be reported due to limited data availability. Data may be available with a time lag. Data comparability may be limited due to differences in the scope of the economic activities considered. As soon as data is available in sufficient quantity and quality, it will be published in accordance with regulatory requirements.

FNG-Sustainability profiles disclaimer


  1. Bei den vorstehenden Angaben im Rahmen der FNG-Nachhaltigkeitsprofile  handelt es sich lediglich um Zusammenstellungen, Übersichten oder Sortierhilfen, die vom Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V. wertungsfrei bereitgestellt werden.  
  2. Es wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass das Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V. weder die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit noch die Plausibilität der in den FNG-Nachhaltigkeitsprofilen enthaltenen Angaben überprüft hat. Diese Angaben beruhen ausschließlich auf den von den jeweiligen Anbietern bereitgestellten Daten, auf die das Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V. keinen Einfluss hat.
  3. Die Aktualität der eingegebenen Daten richtet sich nach dem im FNG-Nachhaltigkeitsprofil des jeweiligen Produkts angegebenen Aktualisierungsdatum, wiedergegeben ist also der Stand zu diesem Datum. Im Zweifel sind die bei der jeweiligen KVG hinterlegten Daten als aktuell zu betrachten. Das Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V. hat darauf jedoch keinen Einfluss und kann daher keine Gewähr für eine jederzeitige Aktualität übernehmen, da die FNG-Nachhaltigkeits-Inhalte von den Anbietern selbst zu befüllen und ggf. zu aktualisieren sind.
  4. Die in den FNG-Nachhaltigkeitsprofilen bereitgestellten Informationen stellen keine Anlageempfehlungen dar. Sie dienen lediglich Informationszwecken zu bestimmten Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten und können weder eine fachgerechte Anlageberatung noch eine qualifizierte Produktaufklärung ersetzen. Es wird daher empfohlen, vor Kauf oder Verkauf der in den FNG-Nachhaltigkeitsprofilen aufgeführten Anlageprodukte die Dienste eines professionellen Anlageberater in Anspruch zu nehmen und die vollständigen Verkaufsunterlagen (insbesondere Verkaufsprospekt) des jeweiligen Anlageprodukts aufmerksam durchzulesen. Insoweit wird ergänzend darauf hingewiesen, dass Anlageprodukte generell mit Verlustrisiken bis hin zu einem Totalverlust behaftet und auch in der Vergangenheit erzielte Gewinne kein zuverlässiger Indikator für zukünftige Ergebnisse sind.